Deep learning has been widely used in the perception (e.g., 3D object detection) of intelligent vehicle driving. Due to the beneficial Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication, the deep learning based features from other agents can be shared to the ego vehicle so as to improve the perception of the ego vehicle. It is named as Cooperative Perception in the V2V research, whose algorithms have been dramatically advanced recently. However, all the existing cooperative perception algorithms assume the ideal V2V communication without considering the possible lossy shared features because of the Lossy Communication (LC) which is common in the complex real-world driving scenarios. In this paper, we first study the side effect (e.g., detection performance drop) by the lossy communication in the V2V Cooperative Perception, and then we propose a novel intermediate LC-aware feature fusion method to relieve the side effect of lossy communication by a LC-aware Repair Network (LCRN) and enhance the interaction between the ego vehicle and other vehicles by a specially designed V2V Attention Module (V2VAM) including intra-vehicle attention of ego vehicle and uncertainty-aware inter-vehicle attention. The extensive experiment on the public cooperative perception dataset OPV2V (based on digital-twin CARLA simulator) demonstrates that the proposed method is quite effective for the cooperative point cloud based 3D object detection under lossy V2V communication.
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Federated learning has been predominantly concerned with collaborative training of deep networks from scratch, and especially the many challenges that arise, such as communication cost, robustness to heterogeneous data, and support for diverse device capabilities. However, there is no unified framework that addresses all these problems together. This paper studies the challenges and opportunities of exploiting pre-trained Transformer models in FL. In particular, we propose to efficiently adapt such pre-trained models by injecting a novel attention-based adapter module at each transformer block that both modulates the forward pass and makes an early prediction. Training only the lightweight adapter by FL leads to fast and communication-efficient learning even in the presence of heterogeneous data and devices. Extensive experiments on standard FL benchmarks, including CIFAR-100, FEMNIST and SpeechCommandsv2 demonstrate that this simple framework provides fast and accurate FL while supporting heterogenous device capabilities, efficient personalization, and scalable-cost anytime inference.
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Referring image segmentation aims at localizing all pixels of the visual objects described by a natural language sentence. Previous works learn to straightforwardly align the sentence embedding and pixel-level embedding for highlighting the referred objects, but ignore the semantic consistency of pixels within the same object, leading to incomplete masks and localization errors in predictions. To tackle this problem, we propose CoupAlign, a simple yet effective multi-level visual-semantic alignment method, to couple sentence-mask alignment with word-pixel alignment to enforce object mask constraint for achieving more accurate localization and segmentation. Specifically, the Word-Pixel Alignment (WPA) module performs early fusion of linguistic and pixel-level features in intermediate layers of the vision and language encoders. Based on the word-pixel aligned embedding, a set of mask proposals are generated to hypothesize possible objects. Then in the Sentence-Mask Alignment (SMA) module, the masks are weighted by the sentence embedding to localize the referred object, and finally projected back to aggregate the pixels for the target. To further enhance the learning of the two alignment modules, an auxiliary loss is designed to contrast the foreground and background pixels. By hierarchically aligning pixels and masks with linguistic features, our CoupAlign captures the pixel coherence at both visual and semantic levels, thus generating more accurate predictions. Extensive experiments on popular datasets (e.g., RefCOCO and G-Ref) show that our method achieves consistent improvements over state-of-the-art methods, e.g., about 2% oIoU increase on the validation and testing set of RefCOCO. Especially, CoupAlign has remarkable ability in distinguishing the target from multiple objects of the same class.
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This paper presents a Generative RegIon-to-Text transformer, GRiT, for object understanding. The spirit of GRiT is to formulate object understanding as <region, text> pairs, where region locates objects and text describes objects. For example, the text in object detection denotes class names while that in dense captioning refers to descriptive sentences. Specifically, GRiT consists of a visual encoder to extract image features, a foreground object extractor to localize objects, and a text decoder to generate open-set object descriptions. With the same model architecture, GRiT can understand objects via not only simple nouns, but also rich descriptive sentences including object attributes or actions. Experimentally, we apply GRiT to object detection and dense captioning tasks. GRiT achieves 60.4 AP on COCO 2017 test-dev for object detection and 15.5 mAP on Visual Genome for dense captioning. Code is available at
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The image captioning task is typically realized by an auto-regressive method that decodes the text tokens one by one. We present a diffusion-based captioning model, dubbed the name DDCap, to allow more decoding flexibility. Unlike image generation, where the output is continuous and redundant with a fixed length, texts in image captions are categorical and short with varied lengths. Therefore, naively applying the discrete diffusion model to text decoding does not work well, as shown in our experiments. To address the performance gap, we propose several key techniques including best-first inference, concentrated attention mask, text length prediction, and image-free training. On COCO without additional caption pre-training, it achieves a CIDEr score of 117.8, which is +5.0 higher than the auto-regressive baseline with the same architecture in the controlled setting. It also performs +26.8 higher CIDEr score than the auto-regressive baseline (230.3 v.s.203.5) on a caption infilling task. With 4M vision-language pre-training images and the base-sized model, we reach a CIDEr score of 125.1 on COCO, which is competitive to the best well-developed auto-regressive frameworks. The code is available at
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Since the recent success of Vision Transformers (ViTs), explorations toward transformer-style architectures have triggered the resurgence of modern ConvNets. In this work, we explore the representation ability of DNNs through the lens of interaction complexities. We empirically show that interaction complexity is an overlooked but essential indicator for visual recognition. Accordingly, a new family of efficient ConvNets, named MogaNet, is presented to pursue informative context mining in pure ConvNet-based models, with preferable complexity-performance trade-offs. In MogaNet, interactions across multiple complexities are facilitated and contextualized by leveraging two specially designed aggregation blocks in both spatial and channel interaction spaces. Extensive studies are conducted on ImageNet classification, COCO object detection, and ADE20K semantic segmentation tasks. The results demonstrate that our MogaNet establishes new state-of-the-art over other popular methods in mainstream scenarios and all model scales. Typically, the lightweight MogaNet-T achieves 80.0\% top-1 accuracy with only 1.44G FLOPs using a refined training setup on ImageNet-1K, surpassing ParC-Net-S by 1.4\% accuracy but saving 59\% (2.04G) FLOPs.
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Recent years have witnessed great success in handling graph-related tasks with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Despite their great academic success, Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) remain the primary workhorse for practical industrial applications. One reason for this academic-industrial gap is the neighborhood-fetching latency incurred by data dependency in GNNs, which make it hard to deploy for latency-sensitive applications that require fast inference. Conversely, without involving any feature aggregation, MLPs have no data dependency and infer much faster than GNNs, but their performance is less competitive. Motivated by these complementary strengths and weaknesses, we propose a Graph Self-Distillation on Neighborhood (GSDN) framework to reduce the gap between GNNs and MLPs. Specifically, the GSDN framework is based purely on MLPs, where structural information is only implicitly used as prior to guide knowledge self-distillation between the neighborhood and the target, substituting the explicit neighborhood information propagation as in GNNs. As a result, GSDN enjoys the benefits of graph topology-awareness in training but has no data dependency in inference. Extensive experiments have shown that the performance of vanilla MLPs can be greatly improved with self-distillation, e.g., GSDN improves over stand-alone MLPs by 15.54\% on average and outperforms the state-of-the-art GNNs on six datasets. Regarding inference speed, GSDN infers 75X-89X faster than existing GNNs and 16X-25X faster than other inference acceleration methods.
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随着计算机视觉中深神经网络的显着进展,广泛研究了数据混合技术,以减轻培训数据量有限时降解概括的问题。但是,当前视觉工具箱中的混合策略尚未得到很好的组装。在本文中,我们建议\ texttt {OpenMixup},这是一个开放源代码的多合一工具箱,用于使用混音,用于监督,半手术和自我监督的视觉表示学习。它提供了一个集成的模型设计和培训平台,包括一系列主要的网络体系结构和模块,数据混合增强方法的集合以及实用的模型分析工具。此外,我们还在各种数据集上提供标准的混合图像分类基准,这加快了从业者在同一设置下的最新方法中进行公平比较。源代码和用户文档可在\ url {}上获得。
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生成对抗网络(GAN)的适应旨在将预训练的GAN转移到具有有限培训数据的给定领域。在本文中,我们专注于单次案例,这在以前的作品中更具挑战性,很少探索。我们认为,从源域到目标域的适应性可以分为两个部分:全球样式(如纹理和颜色)的转移,以及不属于源域的新实体的出现。虽然先前的作品主要关注样式转移,但我们提出了一个新颖而简洁的框架\ footNote {\ url {}},以解决\ textit {对样式和实体传输的一般性单发适应性}任务,其中提供了参考图像及其二进制实体掩码。我们的核心目标是通过切成薄片的瓦斯坦距离来限制参考文献和合成的内部分布之间的差距。为了更好地实现这一目标,首先使用样式固定来大致获得模范样式,并将辅助网络引入原始生成器以删除实体和样式传输。此外,为了实现跨域的对应关系,我们提出了变异的拉普拉斯正则化以限制适应性发生器的平滑度。定量和定性实验都证明了我们方法在各种情况下的有效性。
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